2011-03-02 64 views

我們被要求替換ArrayList,並使用接口List來代替兩個類。我一直在努力,但無濟於事。如果有人能夠幫助其中一個班級展示如何完成,我會非常感激。提前致謝。接口列表 - java

import java.util.ArrayList; 

public abstract class Animal 
// Whether the animal is alive or not. 
private boolean alive; 
// The animal's field. 
private Field field; 
// The animal's position in the field. 
private Location location; 

* Create a new animal at location in field. 
* @param field The field currently occupied. 
* @param location The location within the field. 
public Animal(Field field, Location location) 
    alive = true; 
    this.field = field; 

* Make this animal act - that is: make it do 
* whatever it wants/needs to do. 
* @param newAnimals A list to add newly born animals to. 
abstract public void act(ArrayList<Animal> newAnimals); 


究竟是什麼問題?你試過什麼了? – Tommi 2011-03-02 17:11:12


'abstract public void act(List newAnimals);'不起作用? – 2011-03-02 17:12:03


只是瞭解什麼接口適用,並且解決方案將自然適合您:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interface_%28Java%29和http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ java/concepts/interface.html – dm76 2011-03-02 17:16:02



更改abstract public void act(ArrayList newAnimals); 至 abstract public void act(List newAnimals);

and in body body do newAnimals = new ArrayList();


「List」是一個接口,因此它不能被實例化。將所有現在是ArrayList的聲明替換爲List,其中x是容器包含的類。但是,保持實例不變(List<x> = new ArrayList<x>();有效)。這是一個簡單的改變,但你提供的代碼顯然是不完整的。



他的問題確實聽起來像作業! – dm76 2011-03-02 17:18:28