2014-11-04 65 views



<div class="fittext" max-font-size="100" text="myText"></div> 
<div class="fittext_bottom" max-font-size="100" textb="myText"></div> 


var app_top = angular.module('plnkr', []); 
app_top.directive('fittext', function($timeout) { 
    return { 
    scope: { 
     minFontSize_top: '@', 
\t maxFontSize_top: '@', 
\t text: '=' 
\t }, 
    restrict: 'C', 
    transclude: true, 
    template: '<div ng-transclude class="textContainer" ng-bind="text"></div>', 
    controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { 
\t var maxFontSize_top = $scope.maxFontSize_top || 50; 
\t var minFontSize_top = $scope.minFontSize_top || 8; 

     // text container 
     var textContainer = $element[0].querySelector('.textContainer'); 

     // Add styles 
     angular.element(textContainer).css('word-wrap', 'break-word'); 

     // max dimensions for text container 
     var maxHeight = $element[0].offsetHeight; 
     var maxWidth = $element[0].offsetWidth; 

     var textContainerHeight; 
     var textContainerWidth; 
     var fontSize = maxFontSize_top; 

     var resizeText_top = function(){ 
     \t $timeout(function(){ 
      // set new font size and determine resulting dimensions 
      textContainer.style.fontSize = fontSize + 'px'; 
      textContainerHeight = textContainer.offsetHeight; 
      textContainerWidth = textContainer.offsetWidth; 

      if((textContainerHeight > maxHeight || textContainerWidth > maxWidth) && fontSize > minFontSize_top){ 

      // shrink font size 
      var ratioHeight = Math.floor(textContainerHeight/maxHeight); 
      var ratioWidth = Math.floor(textContainerWidth/maxWidth); 
      var shrinkFactor = ratioHeight > ratioWidth ? ratioHeight : ratioWidth; 
      fontSize -= shrinkFactor; 
     }else{ } 
    }, 0); 

     // watch for changes to text 
     $scope.$watch('text', function(newText, oldText){ 
     \t if(newText === undefined) return; 

     // text was deleted 
     if(oldText !== undefined && newText.length < oldText.length){ 
     \t fontSize = maxFontSize_top; 

    app_top.directive('fittext_bottom', function($timeoutBtm) { 
     return { 
     scope: { 
      minFontSize_btm: '@', 
      maxFontSize_btm: '@', 
      text: '=textb' 
     restrict: 'C', 
     transclude: true, 
     template: '<div class="textContainer_bottom" ng-bind="textb"></div>', 
     controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { 
      var maxFontSize_btm = $scope.maxFontSize_btm || 50; 
      var minFontSize_btm = $scope.minFontSize_btm || 8; 

     // text container 
     var textContainer_btm = $element[0].querySelector('.textContainer_bottom'); 

     // Add styles 
     angular.element(textContainer_btm).css('word-wrap', 'break-word'); 

     // max dimensions for text container 
     var maxHeight_btm = $element[0].offsetHeight; 
     var maxWidth_btm = $element[0].offsetWidth; 

     var textContainerHeight_btm; 
     var textContainerWidth_btm; 
     var fontSize_btm = maxFontSize_btm; 

     var resizeText_btm = function(){ 
      // set new font size and determine resulting dimensions 
      textContainer_btm.style.fontSize = fontSize_btm + 'px'; 
      textContainerHeight_btm = textContainer_btm.offsetHeight; 
      textContainerWidth_btm = textContainer_btm.offsetWidth; 

      if((textContainerHeight_btm > maxHeight_btm || textContainerWidth_btm > maxWidth_btm) && fontSize_btm > minFontSize_btm){ 

      // shrink font size 
      var ratioHeight_btm = Math.floor(textContainerHeight_btm/maxHeight_btm); 
      var ratioWidth_btm = Math.floor(textContainerWidth_btm/maxWidth_btm); 
      var shrinkFactor_btm = ratioHeight_btm > ratioWidth_btm ? ratioHeight_btm : ratioWidth_btm; 
      fontSize_btm -= shrinkFactor_btm; 
     }else{ } 
    }, 0); 

     // watch for changes to text 
     $scope.$watch('textb', function(newTextB, oldTextB){ 
     if(newTextB === undefined) return; 

     // text was deleted 
     if(oldTextB !== undefined && newTextB.length < oldTextB.length){ 
      fontSize_btm = maxFontSize_btm;   

對於第一類 「fittext」 它正在工作,但它不適用於第二課「fittext_bottom」。




var app_top = angular.module('plnkr', []); 


app_top.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) { 
    $scope.myText = 'myText'; 
    $scope.myText_bottom = 'myText_bottom'; 


app_top.directive('fittext', function($timeout) { 
    return { 
    scope: { 
     minFontSize_top: '@', 
     maxFontSize_top: '@', 
     text: '=' 
    restrict: 'C', 
    transclude: true, 
    template: '<div ng-transclude class="textContainer" ng-bind="text"></div>', 
    controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { 
     var maxFontSize_top = $scope.maxFontSize_top || 50; 
     var minFontSize_top = $scope.minFontSize_top || 8; 

     // text container 
     var textContainer = $element[0].querySelector('.textContainer'); 

     // Add styles 
     angular.element(textContainer).css('word-wrap', 'break-word'); 

     // max dimensions for text container 
     var maxHeight = $element[0].offsetHeight; 
     var maxWidth = $element[0].offsetWidth; 

     var textContainerHeight; 
     var textContainerWidth; 
     var fontSize = maxFontSize_top; 

     var resizeText_top = function() { 
     $timeout(function() { 
      // set new font size and determine resulting dimensions 
      textContainer.style.fontSize = fontSize + 'px'; 
      textContainerHeight = textContainer.offsetHeight; 
      textContainerWidth = textContainer.offsetWidth; 

      if ((textContainerHeight > maxHeight || textContainerWidth > maxWidth) && fontSize > minFontSize_top) { 

      // shrink font size 
      var ratioHeight = Math.floor(textContainerHeight/maxHeight); 
      var ratioWidth = Math.floor(textContainerWidth/maxWidth); 
      var shrinkFactor = ratioHeight > ratioWidth ? ratioHeight : ratioWidth; 
      fontSize -= shrinkFactor; 

      } else {} 
     }, 0); 

     // watch for changes to text 
     $scope.$watch('text', function(newText, oldText) { 
     if (newText === undefined) return; 

     // text was deleted 
     if (oldText !== undefined && newText.length < oldText.length) { 
      fontSize = maxFontSize_top; 



app_top.directive('fittextBottom', function($timeout) { 
    return { 
    scope: { 
     minFontSize_btm: '@', 
     maxFontSize_btm: '@', 
     text: '=textb' 
    restrict: 'C', 
    transclude: true, 
    template: '<div class="textContainer_bottom" ng-bind="text"></div>', 
    controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { 
     var maxFontSize_btm = $scope.maxFontSize_btm || 50; 
     var minFontSize_btm = $scope.minFontSize_btm || 8; 

     // text container 
     var textContainer_btm = $element[0].querySelector('.textContainer_bottom'); 

     // Add styles 
     angular.element(textContainer_btm).css('word-wrap', 'break-word'); 

     // max dimensions for text container 
     var maxHeight_btm = $element[0].offsetHeight; 
     var maxWidth_btm = $element[0].offsetWidth; 

     var textContainerHeight_btm; 
     var textContainerWidth_btm; 
     var fontSize_btm = maxFontSize_btm; 

     var resizeText_btm = function() { 
     $timeout(function() { 
      // set new font size and determine resulting dimensions 
      textContainer_btm.style.fontSize = fontSize_btm + 'px'; 
      textContainerHeight_btm = textContainer_btm.offsetHeight; 
      textContainerWidth_btm = textContainer_btm.offsetWidth; 

      if ((textContainerHeight_btm > maxHeight_btm || textContainerWidth_btm > maxWidth_btm) && fontSize_btm > minFontSize_btm) { 

      // shrink font size 
      var ratioHeight_btm = Math.floor(textContainerHeight_btm/maxHeight_btm); 
      var ratioWidth_btm = Math.floor(textContainerWidth_btm/maxWidth_btm); 
      var shrinkFactor_btm = ratioHeight_btm > ratioWidth_btm ? ratioHeight_btm : ratioWidth_btm; 
      fontSize_btm -= shrinkFactor_btm; 

      } else {} 
     }, 0); 

     // watch for changes to text 
     $scope.$watch('text', function(newTextB, oldTextB) { 
     if (newTextB === undefined) return; 

     // text was deleted 
     if (oldTextB !== undefined && newTextB.length < oldTextB.length) { 
      fontSize_btm = maxFontSize_btm; 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> 


<div ng-app="plnkr"> 

    <div ng-controller="MainCtrl"> 


    <input required ng-model="myText" name="text1" id="text1" maxlength="250" class="edit-text-inputbox" type="text" placeholder="Start type here (Top)..."> 
    <input required ng-model="myText_bottom" class="edit-text-inputbox" type="text" placeholder="Start type here (Bottom)..." name="text2" id="text2" maxlength="250"> 


    <div class="fittext" max-font-size="100" text="myText"></div> 

    <div class="fittext_bottom" max-font-size="100" textb="myText_bottom"></div> 



我想要的是,它在第​​一個文本框中輸入,然後它的文本應該在第一個分區中。如果我輸入第二個文本框,那麼它的文本應該是第二個分區。 – 2014-11-04 05:33:31


這是我的兩個文本框: 2014-11-04 05:34:27


任何解決方案@Dylan? – 2014-11-04 05:39:51



text: '=' 


text: '=textb' 

請你告訴我在哪個文本我有什麼關係? – 2014-11-04 05:11:10


查看範圍:{}對於每個指令,屬性的名稱需要匹配,如果它們不是,可以將它們重命名爲'text:'= textb'或'textb:'='' – Dylan 2014-11-04 05:11:58


匹配,但仍然不工作..讓我更新我的JS在這裏。 – 2014-11-04 05:13:18