2017-02-12 109 views





#include "types.h" 

int smallest(const Vector3t, int); 

void main (int argc, char *argv[]) { 
    unsigned int N = 0; 

    printf ("Number of elements ===>"); 
    scanf ("%u", &N); 
    struct Vector3t points[N]; 

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) 
     scanf("%d,%d,%d", &points[i].x, &points[i].y, &points[i].z); 

    for (int p = 0; p < N; p++) 
     printf("%i", points[p].x); 
     printf("%i", points[p].y); 
     printf("%i\n\n", points[p].z); 

    int result = smallest(points, N); 

    printf("%s", "The point closest to the origin is ("); 
    printf("%i", points[result].x); 
    printf("%s", ", "); 
    printf("%i", points[result].y); 
    printf("%s", ", "); 
    printf("%i", points[result].z); 
    printf("%s", ")"); 

int smallest(const Vector3t* pts, int n) 
    int shortest = 99999999; 
    int shortIndex = -1; 

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
     int distance = pts[i].x + pts[i].y + pts[i].z; 
     if (distance < shortest) 
      shortest = distance; 
      shortIndex = i; 

    return shortIndex; 


#ifndef types_H 
#define types_H 

struct vec3 { 
    int x; 
    int y; 
    int z; 

typedef struct Vector3t { 
    int x; 
    int y; 
    int z; 
} vec3; 



1. Create a header file called 「types.h」 (with a macro guard) 
    a. In this header file, create a struct type called vec3 with int types: x, y, and z 
    b. Create a typedef to the struct vec3 above and call it Vector3t 
2. Create a C source file called 「vector_test.c」 
    a. This file should include 「types.h」 and any other C system includes you may need 
    b. Create a main function that does the following: 
     i. Prompts the user 「Number of elements ===> 「 
     ii. Read an unsigned int from the user – this variable will be referred to as N 
     iii. Create an array of Vector3t of size N and call it points 
     iv. Read in triples of int (comma separated) from the user to populate the entire array 
     v. Using the function signature: int smallest(const Vector3t* pts, int n), implement a 
     function that returns the index of the point that is the closest to the point (0, 0, 0) 
     vi. Call this function and store the index into an int called result 
     vii. Print out to the user 「The point closest to the origin is (<x>, <y>, <z>)」 where <x>, <y>, and <z> 
      correspond to the values of points[result] 
     viii. Free all allocated data 

你沒有一個叫做'Vector3t'類型。你有'結構vec3','struct Vector3t',後者的typedef是'vec3'。你不能只使用前面沒有'struct'的struct類型的名稱。 – Dmitri


你的任務第一點錯了。因此第二部分是無效的。 – DeiDei


改變我的typedef代碼看起來像這樣做:typedef struct vec3 Vector3t; 感謝您的幫助! – Nyoxide




int smallest(const Vector3t, int);


int smallest(const Vector3t* pts, int n)



反正他沒有一個叫做Vector3t的類型。 – Dmitri


是的。這段代碼有一些錯誤,但我相信這是他所問的特定編譯器投訴的原因。 – Caleb


我想說他的錯誤是由編譯器試圖將他(不存在)類型的名稱作爲參數的名稱而不是其類型,然後遇到亂碼而不是逗號分隔參數引起的... – Dmitri



  1. 創建一個名爲"types.h"(帶有宏觀保護)的頭文件


    創建typedef到上方和struct vec3稱之爲Vector3t


struct vec3 { 
    int x; 
    int y; 
    int z; 


typedef struct vec3 Vector3t; 


typedef struct vec3 { 
    int x; 
    int y; 
    int z; 
} Vector3t; 

另外聲明的smallest不匹配的定義(不應該他們長得很像?)和the return type of main must be int