2011-09-01 51 views

我有這段代碼(我沒有寫它),它在html文檔中查找<li>類名,然後創建一個基於它的複選框。例如<li class="books"></li> - 該複選框將被標記爲「書籍」。但是,如果您在班級中擁有空間,例如<li class="book case"></li>,則會創建兩個標籤 - 書籍&。我不希望它做到這一點,我想能夠有一個由兩個單詞組成的複選框。在下面的代碼中它說:「現在我有一個空格分隔的所有類名字符串存儲」。我不明白哪一點是這樣做的。任何人都可以看到任何明顯的可以改變,所以這不會發生?在jquery/javascript中停止空格分隔的函數

var stringOfClassNames = ''; 

// grab the class name of each list item to build that string 
$('.filterThis > li').each(function (i) { 
    var thisClassString = $(this).attr('class'); 
    stringOfClassNames = stringOfClassNames +' '+ thisClassString 

// now i have a space-delimited string of all class names stored 
// in the stringOfClassNames variable. 
// Trim spaces from the ends of that string: 
stringOfClassNames = jQuery.trim(stringOfClassNames); 

// i can't really do anything with it until it's an array, so 
// convert that string to an array. 
var arrayClasses = stringOfClassNames.split(' '); 

// now for the isolating the filter that is common to all. 
// must do before extracting only the unique classes 
// one way to approach: count the number of times classes occur, and 
// if any occur the same number of times as how many list items i have, 
// assume that class is common to all list items, and remove it from 
// the filter list. duplicate class on same item = problem, but 
// i'm not thinking about that right now. 
// i've also chosen sort the pre-unique'd array 
// instead of sorting the unique'd array. i think i have to for the count. 
var arrayClasses = arrayClasses; 
totalNumberOfItemsToFilter = $('.filterThis > li').length; 



'stringOfClassNames = stringOfClassNames +」「+ thisClassString'是使您的字符串。 – Jack



JavaScript是如何應該知道,這兩個CSS類bookcase應該作爲一個book case字可以治療嗎?空格字符不是CSS類名的有效組成部分,因此您不能將其設置爲「這是一個css類book case」,但將其視爲「這些是其他地方的兩個獨立類book case」。




stringOfClassNames = stringOfClassNames +' '+ thisClassString 


<li class="one" ></li> 
<li class="two three"></li> 
stringOfClassNames = 'one two three' 


stringOfClassNames.split(' '); 


//pseudocode since I think you should learn to program this yourself. Pretty basic. 
var arrayClasses 
$('.filterThis > li').each(function (i) { 
    //get all the class names for this li 
    var thisClassString = $(this).attr('class'); 
    //stick them into an array 
    var splitClasses = thisClassString.split(' '); 
    //now add splitClasses to arrayClasses 
// grab the class name of each list item to build that string 
$('.filterThis > li').each(function (i) { 
    var thisClassString = $(this).attr('class'); 

    // replace all spaces in this element's classes 
    // in order to turn multiple classes into one class 
    thisClassString.replace(/\s/g, ''); 

    stringOfClassNames = stringOfClassNames +' '+ thisClassString 