2011-02-04 36 views







Option Explicit 

' Declarations must be at the top -- see below 
Public Declare Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib _ 
    "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, _ 
    lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long 

Public Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib _ 
    "kernel32" (lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME, _ 
    lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long 

Public Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib _ 
    "kernel32" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpSystemTime _ 
    As SYSTEMTIME) As Long 

Public Type FILETIME 
    dwLowDateTime As Long 
    dwHighDateTime As Long 
End Type 

    wYear As Integer 
    wMonth As Integer 
    wDayOfWeek As Integer 
    wDay As Integer 
    wHour As Integer 
    wMinute As Integer 
    wSecond As Integer 
    wMilliseconds As Integer 
End Type 

' Convert ISO8601 dateTimes to Excel Dates 
Public Function ISODATE(iso As String) 
    ' Find location of delimiters in input string 
    Dim tPos As Integer: tPos = InStr(iso, "T") 
    If tPos = 0 Then tPos = Len(iso) + 1 
    Dim zPos As Integer: zPos = InStr(iso, "Z") 
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(iso, "+") 
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(tPos, iso, "-") 
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = Len(iso) + 1 
    If zPos = tPos Then zPos = tPos + 1 

    ' Get the relevant parts out 
    Dim datePart As String: datePart = Mid(iso, 1, tPos - 1) 
    Dim timePart As String: timePart = Mid(iso, tPos + 1, zPos - tPos - 1) 
    Dim dotPos As Integer: dotPos = InStr(timePart, ".") 
    If dotPos = 0 Then dotPos = Len(timePart) + 1 
    timePart = Left(timePart, dotPos - 1) 

    ' Have them parsed separately by Excel 
    Dim d As Date: d = DateValue(datePart) 
    Dim t As Date: If timePart <> "" Then t = TimeValue(timePart) 
    Dim dt As Date: dt = d + t 

    ' Add the timezone 
    Dim tz As String: tz = Mid(iso, zPos) 
    If tz <> "" And Left(tz, 1) <> "Z" Then 
     Dim colonPos As Integer: colonPos = InStr(tz, ":") 
     If colonPos = 0 Then colonPos = Len(tz) + 1 

     Dim minutes As Integer: minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, colonPos - 2)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, colonPos + 1)) 
     If Left(tz, 1) = "+" Then minutes = -minutes 
     dt = DateAdd("n", minutes, dt) 
    End If 

    ' Return value is the ISO8601 date in the local time zone 
    dt = UTCToLocalTime(dt) 
    ISODATE = dt 
End Function 

' Got this function to convert local date to UTC date from 
' http://excel.tips.net/Pages/T002185_Automatically_Converting_to_GMT.html 
Public Function UTCToLocalTime(dteTime As Date) As Date 
    Dim infile As FILETIME 
    Dim outfile As FILETIME 
    Dim insys As SYSTEMTIME 
    Dim outsys As SYSTEMTIME 

    insys.wYear = CInt(Year(dteTime)) 
    insys.wMonth = CInt(Month(dteTime)) 
    insys.wDay = CInt(Day(dteTime)) 
    insys.wHour = CInt(Hour(dteTime)) 
    insys.wMinute = CInt(Minute(dteTime)) 
    insys.wSecond = CInt(Second(dteTime)) 

    Call SystemTimeToFileTime(insys, infile) 
    Call FileTimeToLocalFileTime(infile, outfile) 
    Call FileTimeToSystemTime(outfile, outsys) 

    UTCToLocalTime = CDate(outsys.wMonth & "/" & _ 
     outsys.wDay & "/" & _ 
     outsys.wYear & " " & _ 
     outsys.wHour & ":" & _ 
     outsys.wMinute & ":" & _ 
End Function 

' Tests for the ISO Date functions 
Public Sub ISODateTest() 
    ' [[ Verify that all dateTime formats parse sucesfully ]] 
    Dim d1 As Date: d1 = ISODATE("2011-01-01") 
    Dim d2 As Date: d2 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00") 
    Dim d3 As Date: d3 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z") 
    Dim d4 As Date: d4 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00Z") 
    Dim d5 As Date: d5 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00+05:00") 
    Dim d6 As Date: d6 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00-05:00") 
    Dim d7 As Date: d7 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00.05381+05:00") 
    AssertEqual "Date and midnight", d1, d2 
    AssertEqual "With and without Z", d2, d3 
    AssertEqual "With timezone", -5, DateDiff("h", d4, d5) 
    AssertEqual "Timezone Difference", 10, DateDiff("h", d5, d6) 
    AssertEqual "Ignore subsecond", d5, d7 

    ' [[ Independence of local DST ]] 
    ' Verify that a date in winter and a date in summer parse to the same Hour value 
    Dim w As Date: w = ISODATE("2010-02-23T21:04:48+01:00") 
    Dim s As Date: s = ISODATE("2010-07-23T21:04:48+01:00") 
    AssertEqual "Winter/Summer hours", Hour(w), Hour(s) 

    MsgBox "All tests passed succesfully!" 
End Sub 

Sub AssertEqual(name, x, y) 
    If x <> y Then Err.Raise 1234, Description:="Failed: " & name & ": '" & x & "' <> '" & y & "'" 
End Sub 

:(本應建在 – notJim 2011-04-22 20:32:21


這是黃金+100(如果我能) – 2012-11-06 01:10:20


收到每個`Declare`上加上`PtrSafe`我的系統 – Raman 2017-10-17 23:14:25


我會發布此評論作爲評論,但我沒有足夠的代表 - 對不起!這是非常有用的,我 - 感謝rix0rrr,但我注意到,UTCToLocalTime功能需要構建在最後的日期時考慮的區域設置帳戶。下面是我在英國使用的版本 - 請注意,wDay和wMonth的順序顛倒過來:

Public Function UTCToLocalTime(dteTime As Date) As Date 
    Dim infile As FILETIME 
    Dim outfile As FILETIME 
    Dim insys As SYSTEMTIME 
    Dim outsys As SYSTEMTIME 

    insys.wYear = CInt(Year(dteTime)) 
    insys.wMonth = CInt(Month(dteTime)) 
    insys.wDay = CInt(Day(dteTime)) 
    insys.wHour = CInt(Hour(dteTime)) 
    insys.wMinute = CInt(Minute(dteTime)) 
    insys.wSecond = CInt(Second(dteTime)) 

    Call SystemTimeToFileTime(insys, infile) 
    Call FileTimeToLocalFileTime(infile, outfile) 
    Call FileTimeToSystemTime(outfile, outsys) 

    UTCToLocalTime = CDate(outsys.wDay & "/" & _ 
    outsys.wMonth & "/" & _ 
    outsys.wYear & " " & _ 
    outsys.wHour & ":" & _ 
    outsys.wMinute & ":" & _ 
    End Function 


Public Function ISODATEZ(iso As String) As Date 
    Dim yearPart As Integer: yearPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 1, 4)) 
    Dim monPart As Integer: monPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 5, 2)) 
    Dim dayPart As Integer: dayPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 7, 2)) 
    Dim hourPart As Integer: hourPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 10, 2)) 
    Dim minPart As Integer: minPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 12, 2)) 
    Dim secPart As Integer: secPart = CInt(Mid(iso, 14, 2)) 
    Dim tz As String: tz = Mid(iso, 16) 

    Dim dt As Date: dt = DateSerial(yearPart, monPart, dayPart) + TimeSerial(hourPart, minPart, secPart) 

    ' Add the timezone 
    If tz <> "" And Left(tz, 1) <> "Z" Then 
     Dim colonPos As Integer: colonPos = InStr(tz, ":") 
     If colonPos = 0 Then colonPos = Len(tz) + 1 

     Dim minutes As Integer: minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, colonPos - 2)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, colonPos + 1)) 
     If Left(tz, 1) = "+" Then minutes = -minutes 
     dt = DateAdd("n", minutes, dt) 
    End If 

    ' Return value is the ISO8601 date in the local time zone 
    ' dt = UTCToLocalTime(dt) 
    ISODATEZ = dt 
End Function 



有來解析ISO時間戳沒有時區中的(合理)簡單的方式使用公式而不是宏。這不正是什麼原來的海報已經問過,但我發現這個問題,試圖解析ISO時間戳在Excel中,發現this solution有用的時候,所以我想我會在這裏分享。










' Declarations must be at the top -- see below 
Public Declare Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib _ 
    "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, _ 
    lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long 

Public Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib _ 
    "kernel32" (lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME, _ 
    lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long 

Public Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib _ 
    "kernel32" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpSystemTime _ 
    As SYSTEMTIME) As Long 

Public Type FILETIME 
    dwLowDateTime As Long 
    dwHighDateTime As Long 
End Type 

    wYear As Integer 
    wMonth As Integer 
    wDayOfWeek As Integer 
    wDay As Integer 
    wHour As Integer 
    wMinute As Integer 
    wSecond As Integer 
    wMilliseconds As Integer 
End Type 

' Convert ISO8601 dateTimes to Excel Dates 
Public Function ISODATE(iso As String) 
    ' Find location of delimiters in input string 
    Dim tPos As Integer: tPos = InStr(iso, "T") 
    If tPos = 0 Then tPos = Len(iso) + 1 
    Dim zPos As Integer: zPos = InStr(iso, "Z") 
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(iso, "+") 
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = InStr(tPos, iso, "-") 
    If zPos = 0 Then zPos = Len(iso) + 1 
    If zPos = tPos Then zPos = tPos + 1 

    ' Get the relevant parts out 
    Dim datePart As String: datePart = Mid(iso, 1, tPos - 1) 
    Dim timePart As String: timePart = Mid(iso, tPos + 1, zPos - tPos - 1) 
    Dim dotPos As Integer: dotPos = InStr(timePart, ".") 
    If dotPos = 0 Then dotPos = Len(timePart) + 1 
    timePart = Left(timePart, dotPos - 1) 

    ' Have them parsed separately by Excel 
    Dim d As Date: d = DateValue(datePart) 
    Dim t As Date: If timePart <> "" Then t = TimeValue(timePart) 
    Dim dt As Date: dt = d + t 

    ' Add the timezone 
    Dim tz As String: tz = Mid(iso, zPos) 
    If tz <> "" And Left(tz, 1) <> "Z" Then 
     Dim colonPos As Integer: colonPos = InStr(tz, ":") 
     Dim minutes As Integer 
     If colonPos = 0 Then 
      If (Len(tz) = 3) Then 
       minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2)) * 60 
       minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, 5)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, 4)) 
      End If 
      minutes = CInt(Mid(tz, 2, colonPos - 2)) * 60 + CInt(Mid(tz, colonPos + 1)) 
     End If 

     If Left(tz, 1) = "+" Then minutes = -minutes 
     dt = DateAdd("n", minutes, dt) 
    End If 

    ' Return value is the ISO8601 date in the local time zone 
    dt = UTCToLocalTime(dt) 
    ISODATE = dt 
End Function 

' Got this function to convert local date to UTC date from 
' http://excel.tips.net/Pages/T002185_Automatically_Converting_to_GMT.html 
Public Function UTCToLocalTime(dteTime As Date) As Date 
    Dim infile As FILETIME 
    Dim outfile As FILETIME 
    Dim insys As SYSTEMTIME 
    Dim outsys As SYSTEMTIME 

    insys.wYear = CInt(Year(dteTime)) 
    insys.wMonth = CInt(Month(dteTime)) 
    insys.wDay = CInt(Day(dteTime)) 
    insys.wHour = CInt(Hour(dteTime)) 
    insys.wMinute = CInt(Minute(dteTime)) 
    insys.wSecond = CInt(Second(dteTime)) 

    Call SystemTimeToFileTime(insys, infile) 
    Call FileTimeToLocalFileTime(infile, outfile) 
    Call FileTimeToSystemTime(outfile, outsys) 

    UTCToLocalTime = CDate(outsys.wMonth & "/" & _ 
     outsys.wDay & "/" & _ 
     outsys.wYear & " " & _ 
     outsys.wHour & ":" & _ 
     outsys.wMinute & ":" & _ 
End Function 

' Tests for the ISO Date functions 
Public Sub ISODateTest() 
    ' [[ Verify that all dateTime formats parse sucesfully ]] 
    Dim d1 As Date: d1 = ISODATE("2011-01-01") 
    Dim d2 As Date: d2 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00") 
    Dim d3 As Date: d3 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T00:00:00Z") 
    Dim d4 As Date: d4 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00Z") 
    Dim d5 As Date: d5 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00+05:00") 
    Dim d6 As Date: d6 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00-05:00") 
    Dim d7 As Date: d7 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00.05381+05:00") 
    Dim d8 As Date: d8 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00-0500") 
    Dim d9 As Date: d9 = ISODATE("2011-01-01T12:00:00-05") 
    AssertEqual "Date and midnight", d1, d2 
    AssertEqual "With and without Z", d2, d3 
    AssertEqual "With timezone", -5, DateDiff("h", d4, d5) 
    AssertEqual "Timezone Difference", 10, DateDiff("h", d5, d6) 
    AssertEqual "Ignore subsecond", d5, d7 
    AssertEqual "No colon in timezone offset", d5, d8 
    AssertEqual "No minutes in timezone offset", d5, d9 

    ' [[ Independence of local DST ]] 
    ' Verify that a date in winter and a date in summer parse to the same Hour value 
    Dim w As Date: w = ISODATE("2010-02-23T21:04:48+01:00") 
    Dim s As Date: s = ISODATE("2010-07-23T21:04:48+01:00") 
    AssertEqual "Winter/Summer hours", Hour(w), Hour(s) 

    MsgBox "All tests passed succesfully!" 
End Sub 

Sub AssertEqual(name, x, y) 
    If x <> y Then Err.Raise 1234, Description:="Failed: " & name & ": '" & x & "' <> '" & y & "'" 
End Sub