2017-03-23 30 views

我的項目開發與Symfony的3.1.0用PHP 7.0和我使用許多束如何解決棄用調用






    "name": "xxx", 
    "license": "proprietary", 
    "description": "xxx", 
    "type": "project", 
    "autoload": { 
     "psr-4": { 
      "": "src/" 
     "classmap": [ 
    "autoload-dev": { 
     "psr-4": { 
      "Tests\\": "tests/" 
    "require": { 
     "php": ">=5.5.9", 
     "symfony/symfony": "3.1.0", 
     "doctrine/orm": "^2.5", 
     "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^1.6", 
     "doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle": "^1.2", 
     "symfony/swiftmailer-bundle": "^2.3", 
     "symfony/monolog-bundle": "^2.8", 
     "sensio/distribution-bundle": "^5.0", 
     "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "^3.0.2", 
     "incenteev/composer-parameter-handler": "^2.0", 
     "doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "~2.3", 
     "friendsofsymfony/user-bundle": "dev-master", 
     "friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle": "2.0.0-alpha1", 
     "jms/serializer-bundle": "1.1.0", 
     "symfony/form": "3.1.0", 
     "javiereguiluz/easyadmin-bundle": "~1.14", 
     "cmen/google-charts-bundle": "1.*", 
     "blackknight467/star-rating-bundle": "^2.0", 
     "hwi/oauth-bundle": "0.5.x-dev", 
     "suncat/mobile-detect-bundle": "1.0.*", 
     "cspoo/swiftmailer-mailgun-bundle": "^0.3.1", 
     "php-http/guzzle5-adapter": "^1.0", 
     "symfony/finder": "^3.2", 
     "nategood/httpful": "^0.2.20", 
     "monolog/monolog": "^1.22", 
     "algolia/algolia-search-bundle": "^2.1", 
     "beberlei/DoctrineExtensions": "^1.0", 
     "coresphere/console-bundle": "^0.5.0", 
     "robertotru/to-inline-style-email-bundle": "^1.2" 
    "require-dev": { 
     "sensio/generator-bundle": "^3.0", 
     "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^3.0", 
     "phpunit/phpunit": "5.4.4", 
     "symfony/browser-kit": "3.1.0", 
     "symfony/css-selector": "3.1.0" 
    "scripts": { 
     "post-install-cmd": [ 
     "post-update-cmd": [ 
    "extra": { 
     "symfony-app-dir": "app", 
     "symfony-bin-dir": "bin", 
     "symfony-var-dir": "var", 
     "symfony-web-dir": "web", 
     "symfony-tests-dir": "tests", 
     "symfony-assets-install": "relative", 
     "incenteev-parameters": { 
      "file": "app/config/parameters.yml" 


Referencing the "core" extension by its name (defined by getName()) is deprecated since 1.26 and will be removed in Twig 2.0. Use the Fully Qualified Extension Class Name instead. (2 times) 

Referencing the "form" extension by its name (defined by getName()) is deprecated since 1.26 and will be removed in Twig 2.0. Use the Fully Qualified Extension Class Name instead. (70 times) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/request.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/time.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead). 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/memory.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/ajax.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/form.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Silent display of undefined block "toolbar" in template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/base.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.29 and will throw an exception in 2.0. Use the "block('toolbar') is defined" expression to test for block existence 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/exception.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/logger.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Silent display of undefined block "toolbar" in template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/base.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.29 and will throw an exception in 2.0. Use the "block('toolbar') is defined" expression to test for block existence. 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/events.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/router.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/translation.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@Security/Collector/security.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/twig.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@Doctrine/Collector/db.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@Swiftmailer/Collector/swiftmailer.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@Debug/Profiler/dump.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@EasyAdmin/data_collector/easyadmin.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "MobileDetectBundle:Collector:device.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "CoreSphereConsoleBundle:Toolbar:toolbar.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

Calling "renderblock" on template "@WebProfiler/Collector/config.html.twig" from template "@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0. Use block("toolbar", template) instead) 

... etc... 




未定義塊 「工具欄中的」 模板「的沉默顯示@ WebProfiler /探查/base.html.twig「自版本1.29棄用,並將在2.0中引發異常。使用 「塊( '工具欄')是指」 表達式來測試塊存在


{% include('Bundle::file.html.twig') with {stylesheets: block('stylesheets')} %} 


{% set sheets = null %} 
{% if block('stylesheets') is defined %} 
    {% set sheets = block('stylesheets') %} 
{% endif %} 

{% include('Bundle::file.html.twig') with {stylesheets: sheets} %} 