2014-12-03 144 views


$scope.list = [ 
     "moduleId": 1, 
     "name": "Perancangan", 
     "level": 0, 
     "childs": [ 
       "moduleId": 12, 
       "name": "Perancangan Sektor", 
       "level": 1, 
       "childs": [], 
       "links": [ 
         "rel": "self", 
         "href": "" 
     "moduleId": 2, 
     "name": "Pengurusan Pengguna dan Peranan", 
     "level": 0, 
     "childs": [ 
       "moduleId": 17, 
       "name": "Pengurusan Pengguna", 
       "level": 1, 
       "childs": [], 
       "links": [] 
       "moduleId": 18, 
       "name": "Operasi Peranan", 
       "level": 1, 
       "childs": [], 
       "links": [] 
     "links": [ 
       "rel": "self", 
       "href": "" 


    Perancangan (header) 
     Perancangan Sektor 
     Pengurusan Pengguna dan Peranan 

這裏是plunker http://plnkr.co/edit/77t5id3WOmbl2GSqYKh2?p=preview


所以你只需要Perancangan作爲標題,其餘的作爲孩子?不是列表中每個對象的名稱都是頭部? – geckob 2014-12-03 06:42:22


是的。目前只需要列表[name]作爲標題 – diehell 2014-12-03 06:51:02


因此,list是一個對象數組。你現在在數組中有兩個對象。我想你想要的是,對於列表中的每個對象,將該對象的標題和子對象作爲子對象。對? – geckob 2014-12-03 07:20:51





最後,似乎最好地解決您的方法在意圖和精神上都是問題,即使用自定義過濾器。我寫了一個example fiddle,應該證明這個想法。

app.filter('flatten', function() { 

// Because this filter is to be used for an ng-repeat the filter function 
// must return a function which accepts an entire list and then returns 
// a list of filtered items. 
return function(listItems) { 
    var i,j; 
    var item, child; 
    var newItem; 
    var flatList = []; 

    // Begin a loop over the entire list of items provided by ng-repeat 
    for (i=0; i<listItems.length; i++) { 
     var item = listItems[i]; 

     // Construct a new object which contains just the information needed 
     // to display the table in the desired way. This means we just extract 
     // the list item's name and level properties 
     newItem = {}; 
     newItem.name = item.name.toUpperCase(); 
     newItem.level = item.level; 

     // Push the level 0 item onto the flattened array 

     // Now loop over the children. Note that this could be recursive 
     // but the example you provided only had children and no grandchildren 
     for (j=0; j<item.childs.length; j++) { 
      child = item.childs[j]; 

      // Again create a new object for the child's data to display in 
      // the table. It also has just the name and level. 
      newItem = {}; 
      newItem.name = child.name; 
      newItem.level = child.level; 


    // Return the newly generated array that contains the data which ng-repeat 
    // will iterate over. 
    return flatList; 

謝謝。我使用扁平化併爲其編寫過濾器。 – diehell 2014-12-10 02:53:07