測試硬件: 華爲G750雙卡Android的短信送達報告正確

下面的代碼廣播SMS_SENT fine.While它始終廣播SMS_Delivered即使接收手機關機。當接收者收到短信時必須廣播。

private void SendSMS(int MessageID, String ToMobileNo, String MessageBody, int EncodingID) 
\t // Intent for Sending SMS 
\t String SendingIntentText = "SMS_SENT" + MessageID; 
\t Intent SendIntent = new Intent(SendingIntentText); 
\t SendIntent.putExtra("MessageID", MessageID); 
\t PendingIntent PendingSendIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, SendIntent, 0); 

\t // SENT SMS Broad Cast Receiver 
\t registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() 
\t { 
\t  @Override 
\t  public void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent arg1) 
\t  { 
\t \t int MessageID = arg1.getIntExtra("MessageID", 0); 
\t \t if (MessageID > 0) 
\t \t { 
\t \t  switch (getResultCode()) 
\t \t  { 
\t \t \t case Activity.RESULT_OK: 
\t \t \t  DBMethods.SendSMSCounter++; 
\t \t \t  new DBMethods.SendSMSSuccess(MainActivity.this).execute(String.valueOf(MessageID)); 
\t \t \t  break; 
\t \t \t // following will call if message failed 
\t \t \t case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE: 
\t \t \t  Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, MessageID + " Message Send Failed : RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
\t \t \t  break; 
\t \t \t case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NO_SERVICE: 
\t \t \t  Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, MessageID + " Message Send Failed : RESULT_ERROR_NO_SERVICE ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
\t \t \t  break; 
\t \t \t case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU: 
\t \t \t  Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, MessageID + " Message Send Failed : RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
\t \t \t  break; 
\t \t \t case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF: 
\t \t \t  Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, MessageID + " Message Send Failed : RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
\t \t \t  break; 
\t \t  } 
\t \t } 

\t  } 
\t }, new IntentFilter(SendingIntentText)); 

\t // Intent For Delivery Report 
\t String DeliveryText = "SMS_DELIVERED" + MessageID; 
\t Intent DeliveryIntent = new Intent(DeliveryText); 
\t DeliveryIntent.putExtra("MessageID", MessageID); 
\t PendingIntent PendingDeliveryIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, DeliveryIntent, 0); 

\t // Delivery Report BroadCast Receiver 
\t registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() 
\t { 
\t  @Override 
\t  public void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent arg1) 
\t  { 
\t \t int MessageID = arg1.getIntExtra("MessageID", 0); 
\t \t if (MessageID != 0) 
\t \t { 
\t \t  switch (getResultCode()) 
\t \t  { 
\t \t \t case Activity.RESULT_OK: 
\t \t \t  DBMethods.DeliveredSMSCounter++; 
\t \t \t  new DBMethods.SMSDeliverySuccess(MainActivity.this).execute(String.valueOf(MessageID)); 
\t \t \t  break; 
\t \t \t case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED: 
\t \t \t  Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, MessageID + " Message Delivery Failed : RESULT_CANCELED ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
\t \t \t  break; 
\t \t  } 
\t \t } 

\t  } 
\t }, new IntentFilter(DeliveryText)); 

\t SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault(); 

\t // Encoding English = 0 , Unicode = 2 
\t if (EncodingID == 0) 
\t { 
\t  // 160 chars of single Message. 
\t  if (MessageBody.length() > 160) 
\t  { 
\t \t ArrayList<String> MessageList = smsManager.divideMessage(MessageBody); 

\t \t int MessageParts = MessageList.size(); 
\t \t ArrayList<PendingIntent> PendingSendIntentList = new ArrayList<PendingIntent>(); 
\t \t ArrayList<PendingIntent> PendingDeliveryIntentList = new ArrayList<PendingIntent>(); 

\t \t for (int i = 0; i < MessageParts; i++) 
\t \t { 
\t \t  PendingSendIntentList.add(PendingSendIntent); 
\t \t  PendingDeliveryIntentList.add(PendingDeliveryIntent); 
\t \t } 
\t \t smsManager.sendMultipartTextMessage(ToMobileNo, null, MessageList, PendingSendIntentList, PendingDeliveryIntentList); 
\t  } 
\t  else 
\t  { 
\t \t smsManager.sendTextMessage(ToMobileNo, null, MessageBody, PendingSendIntent, PendingDeliveryIntent); 
\t  } 
\t } 
\t else 
\t { 
\t  // converting to bit code UTF-16 
\t  String UniCodeSMS = null; 
\t  try 
\t  { 
\t \t byte[] utf16 = MessageBody.getBytes("UTF-16"); 
\t \t UniCodeSMS = new String(utf16, "UTF-16"); 
\t  } 
\t  catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) 
\t  { 
\t \t Toast.makeText(this, ex.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
\t  } 

\t  // Sending Long SMS 
\t  if (UniCodeSMS.length() > 70) 
\t  { 
\t \t ArrayList<String> MessageList = smsManager.divideMessage(UniCodeSMS); 

\t \t int MessageParts = MessageList.size(); 
\t \t ArrayList<PendingIntent> PendingSendIntentList = new ArrayList<PendingIntent>(); 
\t \t ArrayList<PendingIntent> PendingDeliveryIntentList = new ArrayList<PendingIntent>(); 

\t \t for (int i = 0; i < MessageParts; i++) 
\t \t { 
\t \t  PendingSendIntentList.add(PendingSendIntent); 
\t \t  PendingDeliveryIntentList.add(PendingDeliveryIntent); 
\t \t } 
\t \t smsManager.sendMultipartTextMessage(ToMobileNo, null, MessageList, PendingSendIntentList, PendingDeliveryIntentList); 
\t  } 
\t  else 
\t  { 
\t \t smsManager.sendTextMessage(ToMobileNo, null, UniCodeSMS, PendingSendIntent, PendingDeliveryIntent); 
\t  } 
\t } 



這是什麼問題?你得到了什麼錯誤? – 2014-12-04 20:19:51


沒有錯誤。當收到發件人的短信時應收到遞送報告。而我的代碼總是廣播傳遞報告,這是問題。 – MSajjad 2014-12-04 20:23:23


嗨@MSajjad,你有沒有找到解決方案?謝謝。 – teapeng 2015-03-17 08:34:29



PendingIntent piSent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, sendIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); 
PendingIntent piDelivered = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, deliverIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);