2016-07-14 92 views

一切似乎都與API後端的端點一致,但我的網絡客戶端在_ah/api/explorer url中不顯示任何服務。該API顯示在本地服務器中,但未部署。在日誌中它清楚地示出了用作API部署和服務...服務沒有出現 - GAE



application: mk-dev 
version: 1 
runtime: python27 
api_version: 1 
threadsafe: yes 

- url: /_ah/spi/.* 
script: main.api 

- url: /.* 
script: main.app 
secure: always 


03:13 PM Compilation completed. 

03:13 PM Starting deployment. 

03:13 PM Checking if deployment succeeded. 

03:13 PM Deployment successful. 

03:14 PM Checking if updated app version is serving. 

03:14 PM Checking if Endpoints configuration has been updated. 

03:14 PM Will check again in 1 seconds. 

03:14 PM Checking if Endpoints configuration has been updated. 

03:14 PM Will check again in 2 seconds. 

03:14 PM Checking if Endpoints configuration has been updated. 

03:14 PM Will check again in 4 seconds. 

03:14 PM Checking if Endpoints configuration has been updated. 

03:14 PM Will check again in 8 seconds. 

03:14 PM Checking if Endpoints configuration has been updated. 

03:14 PM Completed update of app: mk-dev, version: v1 

03:14 PM Uploading index definitions. 



Failed to load resource: https://mk-dev.appspot.com/_ah/api/discovery/v1/apis resourse the server responded with a status of 404() 

cb=gapi.loaded_0:46 Uncaught Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error parsing JSON: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 1 [<html> <head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head> <body> <h1>404 Not Found</h1> The resource could not be found.<br /><br />  </body> </html>]  

您需要啓用瀏覽器加載不安全的腳本。點擊瀏覽器地址欄中的安全圖標。 –


@AvinashRaj請檢查問題中的更新。剛剛意識到資源實際上沒有加載 –


