2016-08-05 85 views

我有兩個控制器和一個服務。在第一個控制器中,我訂閱了一個事件來做一些事情。第二個控制器執行一些操作,並在完成時廣播該事件。請參閱下面的示例,超時僅用於模擬長時間運行的操作。我想測試hasLoaded設置爲true使用Jasmine 2.0請指教。如何測試使用Jasmine在回調中執行的操作

var myApp = angular.module('MyApp', []); 

myApp.controller('MyCtrl1', ['$scope', 'myService', function($scope, myService) { 
    $scope.hasLoaded = false; 
    $scope.fileName = ''; 
    myService.onLoaded($scope, function(e, data){ 
     // I want to test the following two lines, in the really the code here is much more complex 
     $scope.fileName = data.fileName; 
     $scope.hasLoaded = true; 

myApp.controller('MyCtrl2', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout', 'myService', function($rootScope, $scope, $timeout, myService) { 
    $scope.isLoading = false; 
    $scope.title = 'Click me to load'; 

    $scope.load = function(){ 
     $scope.isLoading = true; 
     $scope.title = 'Loading, please wait...'; 
     $timeout(function() { 
      $rootScope.$emit('loaded', { fileName: 'test.txt'}); 
     }, 1000); 

    myService.onLoaded($scope, function(){ 
     $scope.hasLoaded = true; 

myApp.service('myService', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) { 
    this.onLoaded = function(scope, callback) { 
     var handler = $rootScope.$on('loaded', callback); 
     scope.$on('$destroy', handler); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.5/angular.min.js"></script> 

<div ng-app="MyApp"> 
    <div ng-controller="MyCtrl1"> 
     <div ng-show="hasLoaded">{{fileName}} loaded !!!</div> 
    <div ng-controller="MyCtrl2"> 
     <button ng-click="load()" ng-hide="hasLoaded" ng-disabled="isLoading" ng-bind="title"></button> 





it("should register with the service and do the right thing when the callback is executed", inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, myService) { 
     var $scope = $rootScope.$new(); 
     spyOn(myService, 'onLoaded').and.callThrough(); 

     var ctrl = $controller('MyCtrl1', {$scope: $scope, myService: myService}); 

     //verify that the controller registers its scope with the service 
     expect(myService.onLoaded).toHaveBeenCalledWith($scope, jasmine.any(Function)); 
     //now call the callback that was registered to see if it sets the property correctly 

     var mockData = { 
      fileName: 'some file name' 
     myService.onLoaded.calls.argsFor(0)[1]('loaded', mockData); 
     expect($scope.fileName).toBe("some file name"); 



謝謝,這是我需要的。你能告訴我爲什麼我們需要$ scope。$ apply();呼叫? – Antipod


你實際上不是你的情況。我只是習慣於這樣做,因爲最近我一直在測試模擬promise,需要$ apply()才能在測試中解決。 – mcgraphix