2017-07-27 47 views

我正在使用ShieldUI Grid,並希望在網格上有一個新行在其中一列顯示下拉列表。此欄不可編輯並顯示文字。我希望用戶能夠從下拉列表中選擇一個值,但添加後不可編輯。我多次查看了文檔,似乎無法弄清楚。ShieldUI Grid - 僅在插入時顯示下拉列表

$(document).ready(function() { 
       theme: "light-bootstrap", 
       dataSource: { 
        remote: { 
         read: { 
          url: "/api" + window.location.pathname + "/ProductAttributes", 
          dataType: "json" 
        modify: { 
         update: function(items, success, error) { 
           type: "PUT", 
           url: "/api" + window.location.pathname + "/ProductAttributes", 
           dataType: "json", 
           contentType: "application/json", 
           data: JSON.stringify(items[0].data) 
          }).then(success, error); 
       schema: { 
        fields: { 
         "attributeId": { path: "attributeId" }, 
         "productAttributeId": { path: "productAttributeId" }, 
         "productId": { path: "productId" }, 
         "attributeName": { path: "attributeName" }, 
         "minimum": { path: "minimum" }, 
         "target": { path: "target" }, 
         "maximum": { path: "maximum" }, 
         "method": { path: "method" } 
       rowHover: false, 
       resizing: true, 
       scrolling: true, 
       events: { 
        insert: function() { AddNewRow() } 
       editing: { 
        enabled: true, 
        type: "row", 
        insertNewRowAt: "pagebottom" 
       toolbar: [ 
         buttons: [ 
          { commandName: "insert", caption: "Add Product" } 
         position: "bottom" 
       paging: { 
        pageSize: 10, 
        pageLinksCount: 12, 
        messages: { 
         infoBarTemplate: "From {0} to {1} items of a total of {2}", 
         firstTooltip: "First page", 
         previousTooltip: "Previous page", 
         nextTooltip: "Next page", 
         lastTooltip: "Last page" 
       columns: [ 
         field: "attributeName", 
         title: "Attribute", 
         editable: false, 
         id: "attributeName" 
        { field: "minimum", title: "Minimum" }, 
        { field: "target", title: "Target" }, 
        { field: "maximum", title: "Maximum" }, 
        { field: "method", title: "Method" }, 
         width: 150, 
         title: " ", 
         buttons: [ 
          { commandName: "edit", caption: "Edit" }, 
          { commandName: "delete", caption: "Delete" } 




events: { 
    edit: function(e) { 
     var target = $("#column_editor_id"); 

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