2017-08-18 57 views



lis r9,4096 
lis r8,255 
lwz r10,0(r9) 
ori r8,r8,65535 
addi r9,r10,192 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
blelr- cr7 # Return if the cr7 register is "less than or equal" 
lis r8,512 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
bgtlr- cr7 # Return if the cr7 register is "greater than or equal" 
lwz r10,192(r10) 
lis r8,303 
ori r8,r8,65535 
addi r9,r10,320 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
blelr- cr7 # Return if the cr7 register is "less than or equal" 
lis r8,528 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
bgtlr- cr7 # Return if the cr7 register is "greater than or equal" 
lwz r10,320(r10) 
lis r8,287 
ori r8,r8,65535 
subi r9,r10,448 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
blelr- cr7 
lis r8,544 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
bgtlr- cr7 # Return if the cr7 register is "greater than or equal" 
lis r9,4919 
ori r9,r9,4919 
stw r9,-448(r10) 
blr # Return 


lis r9,4096 
lis r8,255 
lwz r10,0(r9) 
ori r8,r8,65535 
addi r9,r10,192 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
ble _END # Branch to the _END label if "less than" 
lis r8,512 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
bgt _END # Branch to the _END label if "greater than" 
lwz r10,192(r10) 
lis r8,303 
ori r8,r8,65535 
addi r9,r10,320 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
ble cr7 # Branch to the _END label if "less than" 
lis r8,528 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
bgt _END # Branch to the _END label if "greater than" 
lwz r10,320(r10) 
lis r8,287 
ori r8,r8,65535 
subi r9,r10,448 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
blelr- cr7 
lis r8,544 
cmplw cr7,r9,r8 
bgt _END # Branch to the _END label if "greater than" 
lis r9,4919 
ori r9,r9,4919 
stw r9,-448(r10) 
blr # I guess it should stay otherwise the function call will continue executing "random" garbage such as the next function in the .text section. Via post-processing this would be easy to strip though! 



'我不能在這段代碼中使用任何返回來確保稍後再執行幾行彙編。返回後,將這些「組裝線」與C分開調用? –


我的意思是,你建議編譯器應該優化否定性:( –


是的,因爲同樣的程序集會被附加在'C'函數的末尾,所以返回並不好,它仍然需要執行它並且它是從C函數機器代碼和程序集部分 – BullyWiiPlaza





  1. 避免返回在函數中,在C代碼。因此請用goto替換return
  2. 防止編譯器弄清楚goto end;return;是一回事。內聯彙編是告訴編譯器「不要混淆這個」的好方法。


#define RETURN goto _end
#define END _end: asm volatile("")
void foo(int x) { if (x==1) RETURN; if (x==2) RETURN; printf("Hello, world\n"); END; }

asm volatile("")指示編譯器插入一些彙編代碼。編譯器不知道這個彙編代碼是幹什麼的,所以它不能做任何可以跳過它的優化(即使在0指令的情況下)。


是的,'asm volatile(「」)'做了竅門。它按預期工作:) – BullyWiiPlaza