2015-11-02 50 views



  1. 選擇從父的(X1,Y1)的隨機長度(稱之爲newBranchDist)點是小於總親本系的長度(使用距離式)
  2. 查找使用Math.Cos(A)次newBranchDist
  3. 使用Math.Sin(A)次newBranchDist發現新線的y軸座標的新生產線的x座標
  4. 現在我們有(X1,Y1 )爲該線的一個點進行座標。


編輯:此外,我的程序將隨機選擇父行的哪一側繪製新行。所以,有時它會成爲角度A,其他時間會成爲A + 90.


我看不到有關隨機角度的任何事情。你需要計算它還是在給定的時間間隔內是「任何」角度?此外,你可能會發佈一個** short **樣本,你現在已經有了這個算法。有時候,它可以幫助你理解這個問題。第2行會在原始行的同一點開始嗎? –


這似乎更像是一個幾何問題,而不是一個編程問題。這是不完全清楚你想要做什麼。 –


@MattBurland - 這個問題似乎與確定子分支的算法有關,我認爲這種混淆正是因爲OP對如何生成這樣的算法感到困惑。他似乎在思考如何使用面向對象的思想來解決這個問題。但我認爲你是對的,這有一個沉重的幾何構件。可能是幾何組件將他從OO扔掉,並讓他只考慮程序。 – AgapwIesu




1. figure out origin of the new branch<p> 
    a. BreakOffDistance = a random number less than the parent length (random distance from the start of the parent branch) 
    b. NewBranchOriginX = ParentBranchOriginX + BreakOffDistance * cos(ParentBranchAngle); 
    c. NewBranchOriginY = ParentBranchOriginY + BreakOffDistance * sin(ParentBranchAngle); 
2. figure out a random angle to the new, child line; 
    a. figure out random angle between 10 and 80 or 100 and 170. 
    b. NewBranchAngle = ParentBranchAngle - 90 + RandomAngle. 
     (all branch angles relative to horizontal, right?) 
3. figure out random length of new branch - less than parent? 
4. The previous steps determine the new branch - origin point, angle and length. But to figure out its endpoint so you can draw it: 
    a. NewBranchEndX = NewBranchOriginX + NewBranchLength * cos(NewBranchAngle); 
    b. NewBranchEndY = NewBranchOriginY + NewBranchLength * sin(NewBranchAngle); 



它的主旨對我來說似乎是正確的。但是,它確實比這更復雜。只實現這個算法仍然不適合我(見上面的評論) - 我從來沒有能夠得到一條線,其起始(x,y)座標在其父分支上。不過,我相信這更多是因爲我在處理三角學垃圾方面的能力不足,而不是這個算法中的缺陷。不過,我認爲這比這更復雜一點。 – reubonwry



int x2 = x1 + newBranchDist * Math.Cos(a); 
int y2 = y1 + newBranchDist * Math.Sin(a); 


double lengthSquared = Math.Pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.Pow(y2 - y1, 2); 
double lengthRooted = Math.Pow(lengthSquared, 0.5); 



public class MyLine { 
    private Random random; 
    public MyLine(int Level, PointF Start, PointF End, int Angle) { 
     this.random = new Random(); 
     this.Level = Level; 
     this.Start = Start; 
     this.End = End; 
     this.Angle = Angle; 

    public int Level{get;set;} 

    public PointF Start { get; set; } 
    public PointF End { get; set; } 

    public float MyLength { 
     get { 
      return (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(End.X - Start.X, 2) + Math.Pow(End.Y - Start.Y, 2)); 
    public int Angle { get; set; } 

    public MyLine MySideLine { get; set; } 

    public void CalculateSideLine() { 
     float middleX = Start.X + (End.X - Start.X)/2f; 

     float k = (End.Y - Start.Y)/(End.X - Start.X); 
     float d = (End.X * Start.Y - Start.X * End.Y)/(End.X - Start.X); 

     float middleY = k * middleX + d; 

     PointF newStart = new PointF(middleX, middleY); 
     int angle = random.Next(10, 80); 
     if (random.Next(0, 1) == 0) 
      angle = angle + 90; 

     float LengthPercentage = (float)random.NextDouble(); 
     if (LengthPercentage < 0.5) 
      LengthPercentage = 0.5f; 

     float newLength = MyLength * LengthPercentage; 

     //Now we know the starting point of the new line, its angle and the length 
     //I do not have enough time to write the complete calculation down but it's result would be a new endPoint 
     //You think of a circle with its middle on "newStart" and its radius = "newLength". 
     //This circle you'll have to intersect with the line through "newStart" with the given angle. 
     //There are two results, you have to choose the one in the right direction 
     PointF newEnd = new PointF(0, 0); //This you'll have to find yourself... 

     this.MySideLine = new MyLine(this.Level++, newStart, newEnd, angle); 

     //this will calculate a new nested side line and - kind of recursively - go deeper and deeper. 
     //you'll have to find a break condition on a certain level. 

     //Be aware of randomly angle of 90 or 0. you might want to calculate two side lines on each twig (otherwise it will not look like a tree) 


    //This will draw the line to a Graphics (e.g. look at Form.CreateGraphics()) 
    //it will kind of recursively draw down the full tree. 
    public void DrawMeAndMySideLine(Graphics g){ 