2016-11-23 60 views

我想實現鏈表結構的遞歸排序算法。 C語言。C:鏈表的遞歸排序

我的算法是這樣的: 1)找到列表 2最大值)從列表中刪除,並在頭節點 3)啓動算法再次從下一個節點 4插入)運行,直到到達列表的末尾


typedef struct Node{ 
int data; 
struct Node* next; 
} Node; 

void insert(Node** head, int val) 
     //insert at top 
     Node* to_insert = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 
     to_insert->data = val; 
     to_insert->next = (*head); 
     (*head) = to_insert; 

Node* sort_ll(Node* head) 
    //base case, iterated trough entire list 
    if(head == NULL) 
     return NULL; 

    int max = 0; 
    Node* tmp = head; 
    Node* to_move = tmp; 

    //find maximum value 
    while(tmp != NULL) { 
     if(tmp->data > max) { 
      max = tmp->data; 
      to_move = tmp; 
     tmp = tmp->next; 

    //if its currently top, leave it there 
    if(to_move == head) { 
     return sort_ll(head->next); 

    //find node with max value 
    tmp = head; 
    while(tmp->next != to_move) { 
     tmp = tmp->next; 

    //cut it out from the list 
    tmp->next = tmp->next->next; 

    //insert value at the head of the list 
    insert(&head, max); 

    return sort_ll(head->next); 

int main() 
    Node* list = NULL; 

    insert(&list, 3); 
    insert(&list, 6); 
    insert(&list, 7); 
    insert(&list, 2); 
    insert(&list, 1); 
    insert(&list, 5); 
    insert(&list, 4); 

    list = sort_ll(list); 

    Node* tmp = list; 

    while(tmp != NULL) { 
     printf("%d\n", tmp->data); 
     tmp = tmp->next; 

    return 0; 

的'sort_ll'函數修改'head'(間接),但你不要效仿 「按引用傳遞」。我假設你這樣做是因爲該函數返回一個'Node *',但問題是'sort_ll'將會總是*返回'NULL'。使用調試器,並逐行執行代碼。 –


@Someprogrammerdude我也在試驗這個簽名'Node * sort_ll(Node ** head)',但沒有得到更好的結果,只有不同類型的錯誤行爲。你能再解釋一下嗎?或者提供一個例子? – Rorschach


'sort_ll'中有三個return語句。一個是'return NULL;'和另外兩個都是'return sort_ll(...);'它怎麼能返回一個非NULL? –




Node *sort_ll(Node* head){ 
    if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) 
     return head;//There is no need for processing 

    int max = head->data; 
    Node *prev = head; 
    Node *to_move = NULL; 
    Node *tmp = head->next; 

    //find maximum value in rest(head->next) 
    while(tmp != NULL) { 
     if(tmp->data > max) { 
      max = tmp->data; 
      to_move = prev;//save previous node for remove link 
     prev = tmp; 
     tmp = tmp->next; 

    if(to_move == NULL) {//not find in rest 
     head->next = sort_ll(head->next); 
     return head; 

    prev = to_move; 
    to_move = prev->next;//max node 
    prev->next = prev->next->next;//max node remove from link 
    to_move->next = sort_ll(head); 
    return to_move; 

工程就像一個魅力!非常感謝!我猜這是最後一部分讓我感到困惑,並且返回'to_move'節點......再次感謝! – Rorschach


max_node-> next = sort(unsorted_list的其餘部分);返回max_node; – BLUEPIXY