2017-02-27 105 views


(1, 12) 0.656240233446 
    (1, 11) 0.754552023393 
    (2, 6) 1.0 
    (3, 13) 1.0 
    (4, 2) 1.0 
    (7, 9) 1.0 
    (9, 4) 0.742540927053 
    (9, 5) 0.66980069547 
    (11, 19) 0.735138466738 
    (11, 7) 0.677916982176 
    (12, 18) 1.0 
    (13, 14) 0.697455191865 
    (13, 11) 0.716628394177 
    (14, 5) 1.0 
    (15, 8) 1.0 
    (16, 17) 1.0 
    (18, 1) 1.0 
    (19, 17) 1.0 
    (22, 13) 1.0 
    (23, 3) 1.0 
    (25, 6) 1.0 
    (26, 19) 0.476648253537 
    (26, 7) 0.879094103268 
    (28, 10) 0.532672175403 
    (28, 7) 0.523456282204 

我想知道這是什麼,我無法理解這是怎麼提供。 當我處於調試模式時,我開始瞭解索引,indptr和數據......這些東西是與給定數據共同關聯的地方。這些是什麼? 數字有很多混亂,如果我說括號中的第一個元素是基於我的預測的文檔,我不會看到第0,第5,第6個文檔。 請幫我弄清楚它是如何在這裏工作的。然而,我知道wiki的tfidf的一般工作,記錄反向文檔和其他內容。我只是想知道這3種不同類型的數字是什麼,引用它是什麼?


#This contains the list of file names 
_filenames =[] 
#This conatains the list if contents/text in the file 
_contents = [] 
#This is a dict of filename:content 
_file_contents = {} 
class KmeansClustering(): 
    def kmeansClusters(self): 
     global _report 
      self.num_clusters = 5 
      km = KMeans(n_clusters=self.num_clusters) 
      vocab_frame = TokenizingAndPanda().createPandaVocabFrame() 
      self.tfidf_matrix, self.terms, self.dist = TfidfProcessing().getTfidFPropertyData() 
      self.clusters = km.labels_.tolist() 
      joblib.dump(km, 'doc_cluster2.pkl') 
      km = joblib.load('doc_cluster2.pkl') 

class TokenizingAndPanda(): 

    def tokenize_only(self,text): 
     This function tokenizes the text 
     :param text: Give the text that you want to tokenize 
     :return: it gives the filter tokes 
     # first tokenize by sentence, then by word to ensure that punctuation is caught as it's own token 
     tokens = [word.lower() for sent in nltk.sent_tokenize(text) for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sent)] 
     filtered_tokens = [] 
     # filter out any tokens not containing letters (e.g., numeric tokens, raw punctuation) 
     for token in tokens: 
      if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', token): 
     return filtered_tokens 

    def tokenize_and_stem(self,text): 
     # first tokenize by sentence, then by word to ensure that punctuation is caught as it's own token 
     tokens = [word.lower() for sent in nltk.sent_tokenize(text) for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sent)] 
     filtered_tokens = [] 
     # filter out any tokens not containing letters (e.g., numeric tokens, raw punctuation) 
     for token in tokens: 
      if re.search('[a-zA-Z]', token): 
     stems = [_stemmer.stem(t) for t in filtered_tokens] 
     return stems 

    def getFilnames(self): 

     global _path 
     global _filenames 
     path = _path 
     _filenames = FileAccess().read_all_file_names(path) 

    def getContentsForFilenames(self): 
     global _contents 
     global _file_contents 
     for filename in _filenames: 
      content = FileAccess().read_the_contents_from_files(_path, filename) 
      _file_contents[filename] = content 

    def createPandaVocabFrame(self): 
     global _totalvocab_stemmed 
     global _totalvocab_tokenized 
     #Enable this if you want to load the filenames and contents from a file structure. 
     # self.getFilnames() 
     # self.getContentsForFilenames() 

     # for name, i in _file_contents.items(): 
     #  print(name) 
     #  print(i) 
     for i in _contents: 
      allwords_stemmed = self.tokenize_and_stem(i) 

      allwords_tokenized = self.tokenize_only(i) 
     vocab_frame = pd.DataFrame({'words': _totalvocab_tokenized}, index=_totalvocab_stemmed) 
     return vocab_frame 

class TfidfProcessing(): 

    def getTfidFPropertyData(self): 
     tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.4, max_features=200000, 
              min_df=0.02, stop_words='english', 
              use_idf=True, tokenizer=TokenizingAndPanda().tokenize_and_stem, ngram_range=(1, 1)) 
     # print(_contents) 
     tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(_contents) 
     terms = tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names() 
     dist = 1 - cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix) 

     return tfidf_matrix, terms, dist 

你是在談論[scikit-learn tf-idf](http://scikit-learn.org/stable /modules/generated/sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer.html)? 你可以把你的代碼的一部分,並從你想從中提取信息的文件中提取? – LoicM


雅它的scikit學習tf-idf是什麼在說話,以及我的代碼的一部分張貼在上面,希望你能幫助我 –



TFIDF的結果到數據通常是2D矩陣A,其中A_ij是歸一化的第j項(字)第i個頻率文件英寸你在你的輸出看到的是這個矩陣的稀疏表示,換句話說 - 僅元件,其打印出來不爲零,所以:

(1, 12) 0.656240233446 

意味着第12個字(根據一些詞彙有由sklearn構建)在第一個文檔中的歸一化頻率爲0.656240233446。 「缺失」位是零,這意味着例如在第1個文檔中找不到第3個字(因爲沒有(1,3))等等。

某些文件丟失的事實是您的特定代碼/數據(您沒有包括)的結果,也許您手動設置詞彙?或考慮的功能的最大數量? TfidfVectorizer中有很多參數可以導致這種情況,但是如果沒有您的確切代碼(以及一些示例性數據),則無法說明其他任何內容。例如設置min_df可能會導致(因爲它會丟失非常罕見的詞)類似地max_features(同樣的效果)


嗨@lejlot感謝您的解釋,我也張貼了我的部分源代碼上面。希望你能幫助我指導min_df,max_df,max_features ......它是如何工作的,比如我們如何在聚類中獲得更好的準確性,以及爲什麼有些文檔缺失。 –


基本上drop max_df,min_df和max_features,你應該得到所有的文件。沒有「神奇」的方式來設置這些東西,你只能遵循(某種程度上指導)試驗和錯誤,但是一開始就沒有設置它們。 – lejlot


雅確定我會嘗試這種方式,讓你知道它是怎麼回事...謝謝 –