2017-06-01 84 views

我目前在我的Perl腳本的一部分代碼(工作正常):避免使用警告的try-catch時使用try ::微型和模塊::運行

try { 
     no strict 'refs'; 
     require_module $modules{$action_name}; 
     if (&{"FFTG::${actiontype}::run"}($action, $fs, $log)) { 
     } else { 
       if ($action->{mandatory}[0] == 1) { 
         $log->res("FAIL, exiting."); 
         last ACTION; 
       } else { 
         $log->res("FAIL, but not mandatory, continuing.."); 
catch { 
     $log->res("MODULE NOT FOUND"); 
     print "no module found for action '$actiontype', unable to process this action\n"; 
     #warn $_; 


starting transfer .. 
no module found for action 'Transfer', unable to process this action 
no module found for action 'Transfer', unable to process this action 
no module found for action 'Archive', unable to process this action 
Exiting subroutine via last at ./bin/fftgv2.pl line 130. 
Exiting eval via last at ./bin/fftgv2.pl line 130. 
Exiting subroutine via last at ./bin/fftgv2.pl line 130. 
ending transfer 


有沒有辦法擺脫它們? (我不能使用如果/然後等..因爲我不希望腳本退出與此require_module事情)。 我只是希望我的腳本來顯示一個警告,如果它不能找到一個模塊(它),而不是這些警告

再次感謝 問候


你確定他們不是來自你寫的代碼,或者是你自己的代碼庫嗎? – simbabque


https://grep.metacpan.org/search?size=20&q=via+last&qd=&qft= – simbabque


我認爲他們是來自某事。但我還沒有完全理解這一點。 – simbabque



perldoc perldiag我們發現,這些警告是一組命名的「退出」。

如果您在fftgv2.pl的第130行之前使用了no warnings "exiting";,那麼您應該使該塊的其餘部分的警告消失。



謝謝,作品像魅力! – olivierg


發出警告是因爲您在try聲明的塊內有lasttry實際上並不是Perl語法的一部分。這不是關鍵字,因此,該塊不是真正的塊。這只是一個匿名的子對象,因爲Try :: Tiny中的原型sub try (&;@)被視爲塊。


Exiting subroutine via last at ./bin/fftgv2.pl line 130.^
Exiting eval via last at ./bin/fftgv2.pl line 130.  | 
Exiting subroutine via last at ./bin/fftgv2.pl line 130. | 



try {      # here 
     no strict 'refs'; 


下一個是因爲嘗試::微小implements try via a call to evalPerl's built-in way of catching errors退出通過最後的eval。


# failed will be true if the eval dies, because 1 will not be returned 
    # from the eval body 
    my $failed = not eval {    # here is 2) 
    [email protected] = $prev_error; 

    # evaluate the try block in the correct context 
    if ($wantarray) { 
     @ret = $try->();     # and this is 3) 
    } elsif (defined $wantarray) { 
     $ret[0] = $try->(); 
    } else { 

    return 1; # properly set $failed to false 


而第一個警告來自Try :: Tiny本身的實際sub try



ACTION: foreach my $action_name (@foo) { 
    my $break_out; 
    try { 
     no strict 'refs'; 
     require_module $modules{$action_name}; 
     if (&{"FFTG::${actiontype}::run"}($action, $fs, $log)) { 
     else { 
      if ($action->{mandatory}[0] == 1) { 
       $log->res("FAIL, exiting."); 
       return $break_out = 1; # use this to exit the loop later 
      else { 
       $log->res("FAIL, but not mandatory, continuing.."); 
      # return is only needed if there is more code here ... 
     # ... or here 
    catch { 
     $log->res("MODULE NOT FOUND"); 
     print "no module found for action '$actiontype', unable to process this action\n"; 

    last ACTION if $break_out; # oops, something went wrong, break out 