2012-10-31 60 views

我有一個字符串,我從數據庫中檢索,我想計算字符串的長度沒有空格,但它顯示一個較大的長度值(比實際計數大21個字符)I已經刪除了標籤和換行符以及php和html標籤,但沒有結果!我已經嘗試了幾乎w3schools php參考的所有功能,但是我無法找到任何成功。我還觀察到,如果我不從數據庫中檢索輸入值這樣的:Strlen沒有給出正確的輸出

$string = "my string";


     $str = trim(strip_tags($res_tutor[0]['tutor_experience'])); 
      $str = $this->real_string($str); 
      $space = substr_count($str, ' '); 
      $experience = strlen($str) - $space; 

function real_string($str) 
    $search = array("\t","\n","\r\n","\0","\v"); 
    $replace = array('','','','',''); 
    $str = str_replace($search,$replace,$str); 
    return $str; 


<span class=\"experience_font\">You are encouraged to write a short description of yourself, teaching experience and teaching method. You may use the guidelines below to assist you in your writing.<br /> 
    <br /> 
    .Years of teaching experience<br /> 
    .Total number of students taught<br /> 
    .Levels &amp; subjects that you have taught<br /> 
    .The improvements that your students have made<br /> 
    .Other achievements/experience (Relief teaching, a tutor in a tuition centre, Dean&#39;s list, scholarship, public speaking etc.)<br /> 
    .For Music (Gigs at Esplanade, Your performances in various locations etc.)</span><br /> 


<span class=\"experience_font\">You are encouraged to write a short description of yourself, teaching experience and teaching method. You may use the guidelines below to assist you in your writing.<br /> 
    <br /> 
    .Years of teaching experience<br /> 
    .Total number of students taught<br /> 
    .Levels &amp; subjects that you have taught<br /> 
    .The improvements that your students have made<br /> 
    .Other achievements/experience (Relief teaching, a tutor in a tuition centre, Dean&#39;s list, scholarship, public speaking etc.)<br /> 
    .For Music (Gigs at Esplanade, Your performances in various locations etc.)</span><br /> 

如果您正在瀏覽器中查看,請確保沒有任何html標籤以及其中的內容。只是因爲你看不到多餘的字符意味着很少。 –


有額外的標籤,我已經刪除了使用strip_tags() – irohit786


我不明白...我用你輸入的輸入運行你的代碼,它對我來說工作正常。它必須與你從db得到的東西有關......你需要添加更多的代碼,嘗試從db直接複製文本或類似的東西。 – hummingBird




$string = str_replace(array("\t","\r\n","\n","\0","\v"," "),'', $string); 
mb_strlen($string, "UTF-8"); 

圍繞\ r \ n & \將N-所作的str_replace函數不去掉從\ r \ n離開它只是一個\ r成\ n。



嘗試使用mb_strlen。 http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-strlen.php 它更精確。


凡UTF-8是你的默認編碼... 要刪除所有空格自由嘗試類似的東西..

$string = str_replace(array("\t","\n","\r\n","\0","\v"," "),"",$string); 
mb_strlen($string, "UTF-8"); 

之上,對不起,不起作用,結果相同! 和我的編碼是「ASCII」 thanx,是兄弟,我已經試過上面。 – irohit786