2017-08-27 51 views




public string getTimeVariable(long minutes) 
    var now=DateTime.Now; 
    //Some imprementation I cant think of.... 

public bool verifyVariable(string variable) 
    //Some other implementation to return true if specified minutes haven't elapsed since variable was issued 

您需要一些在一段時間後過期的cookie嗎?你的問題很不明確。你不能在任何地方存儲代碼,你只需將它編譯成一個程序集。 – HimBromBeere


沒有cookie只是一個變量 – konzo


也許你應該展示一些代碼來說明你想實現什麼。 – HimBromBeere




順便說一句 - 你有什麼酷的方法是什麼呢?

using System; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading; 

public class Test { 

private static long secret = 0xdeadbeef; 
private static int digits = 6; 
private static int period_size_in_seconds = 1; 

public string phonenumber; 
public int validperiods; 

private string reference(long delta) { 
    // get current minute (UTC) 
    long now = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToFileTimeUtc(); 
    now /= (period_size_in_seconds * 10000000); 
    // factor in phone number 
    var inputBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(phonenumber); 
    long mux = 0; 
    foreach(byte elem in inputBytes) { 
    mux ^= elem; 
    mux <<= 1; 
    // limit number of digits 
    long mod = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Pow(10, digits)) - 1; // how many digits? 
    // apply time shift for validations 
    now -= delta; 
    // and play a little bit 
    now *= mux; // factor in phone number 
    now ^= secret; // play a bit 
    now >>= 1; // with the number 
    if (0 != (now & 0x1)) { // to make the code 
    now >>= 1; // read about LFSR to learn more 
    now ^= secret; // less deterministic 
    now = Math.Abs(now); 
    now %= mod; // keep the output in range 
    return now.ToString().PadLeft(digits, '0'); 

public string getTimeVariable() { 
    return reference(0); 

public bool verifyVariable(string variable) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < validperiods; i++) { 
    if (variable == reference(i)) { 
    return true; 
    return false; 

public void test() { 
    phonenumber = "+48602171819"; 
    validperiods = 900; 
    string code = getTimeVariable(); 

    if (verifyVariable(getTimeVariable())) 

    if (verifyVariable(code)) 
    System.Console.Write(" OK2"); 


    if (verifyVariable(code)) { 
    System.Console.WriteLine(" OK3"); 


public static void Main() { 
    (new Test()).test(); 

致謝成才,清涼的方法只是哈希NA的數量和變換是在減少collition的方式6位數,我會盡快嘗試了這一點,因爲我到達我的電腦... – konzo


那麼工作謝謝你的時間.. – konzo
