2012-07-27 172 views

(API級別12) 我已經在用戶輸入登錄名和密碼後實現了可以發送電子郵件的javax.mail。出於某種原因,我能夠運行一次,併發送電子郵件。現在我得到一個錯誤NetworkOnMainThreadException。我環顧四周,我發現你可以像這樣開始一個新的線程:在新線程中啓動課程

Thread onRun = new Thread{ 
     public void run() { 
      }catch(Exception e) { 


有沒有辦法讓這個類在一個新的線程中運行,所以我從來沒有得到錯誤? 感謝您的幫助。

public class Mail extends javax.mail.Authenticator { 
private String _user; 
private String _pass; 

private String[] _to; 
private String _from; 

private String _port; 
private String _sport; 

private String _host; 

private String _subject; 
private String _body; 

private boolean _auth; 

private boolean _debuggable; 

private Multipart _multipart; 

public Mail() { 
_host = ""; // default smtp server 
_port = ""; // default smtp port 
_sport = ""; // default socketfactory port 

_user = ""; // username 
_pass = ""; // password 
_from = ""; // email sent from 
_subject = ""; // email subject 
_body = ""; // email body 

_debuggable = false; // debug mode on or off - default off 
_auth = true; // smtp authentication - default on 

_multipart = new MimeMultipart(); 

// There is something wrong with MailCap, javamail can not find a handler for the multipart/mixed part, so this bit needs to be added. 
MailcapCommandMap mc = (MailcapCommandMap) CommandMap.getDefaultCommandMap(); 
mc.addMailcap("text/html;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.text_html"); 
mc.addMailcap("text/xml;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.text_xml"); 
mc.addMailcap("text/plain;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.text_plain"); 
mc.addMailcap("multipart/*;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.multipart_mixed"); 
mc.addMailcap("message/rfc822;; x-java-content-handler=com.sun.mail.handlers.message_rfc822"); 

public Mail(String user, String pass) { 

_user = user; 
_pass = pass; 

public boolean send() throws Exception { 
    Properties props = _setProperties(); 

if(!_user.equals("") && !_pass.equals("") && _to.length > 0 && !_from.equals("") && !_subject.equals("") && !_body.equals("")) { 
    Session session = Session.getInstance(props, this); 

    MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session); 

    msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(_from)); 

    InternetAddress[] addressTo = new InternetAddress[_to.length]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < _to.length; i++) { 
    addressTo[i] = new InternetAddress(_to[i]); 
    msg.setRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.TO, addressTo); 

    msg.setSentDate(new Date()); 

    // setup message body 
    BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); 

    // Put parts in message 

    // send email 

    return true; 
} else { 
    return false; 

public void addAttachment(String filename) throws Exception { 
BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); 
DataSource source = new FileDataSource(filename); 
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); 


public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { 
    return new PasswordAuthentication(_user, _pass); 

private Properties _setProperties() { 
Properties props = new Properties(); 

props.put("mail.smtp.host", _host); 

if(_debuggable) { 
    props.put("mail.debug", "true"); 

if(_auth) { 
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "false"); 

props.put("mail.smtp.port", _port); 
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", _sport); 
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory"); 
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false"); 

return props; 

// the getters and setters 
public String getBody() { 
return _body; 

public void setBody(String _body) { 
this._body = _body; 

public void setTo(String[] toArr) { 
    this._to = toArr; 

public void setFrom(String string) { 
    this._from = string; 

public void setSubject(String string) { 
    this._subject = string; 

public void setSMTP(String string) { 
    this._host = string; 

public void setPort(String string) { 
    this._port = string; 
public void setSPort(String string) { 
    this._sport = string; 


發佈完整的'LogCat' – Nerd 2012-07-27 23:04:27


您是否嘗試過'AsyncTask'作爲您的線程? – Ali 2012-07-27 23:05:00



作爲例外的名稱 - NetworkOnMainThreadException - 您無法在主線程上與網絡進行交互。考慮使用AsyncTaskService。 SDK文件夾內有一些示例代碼。


我不明白我可以如何將AsyncTask添加到我的類中我已經有了一個擴展,並且需要使用extends AsyncTask protected long doInBackground(URL ... url){以及把代替URL?我可以在調用Send()時啓動線程嗎? – 2012-07-30 03:14:07


AsyncTask的所有參數都是任意的,因此你可以使用任何你想要的。如果您有時間,請參閱['NetworkOnMainThreadException']的文檔(http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/NetworkOnMainThreadException.html)。 – Anh3Saigon 2012-07-31 06:38:28


我看了一個鏈接,它只是告訴我它是一種什麼樣的異常。我如何在上面的類上使用AsyncTask? – 2012-08-01 20:57:23