2012-02-22 92 views






由於您指的是7天x 24小時範圍,因此創建一個包含所有值的表格可能很有用。這樣做的好處是,您不必爲每個新元素重複計算。相反,你可以添加一個計數器。



// Initialize list and variables. 
var totalHours = 7*24; 
var dates = [];        // Empty list 
for (var i=0; i<totalHours; i++) dates.push(0);// Fill list with zeros 

/* @param listi object { start_day ; end_day ; start_hour ; end_hour } 
* @param one number Recommended values: 1 (add), -1 (remove) 
function addDate(listi, one) { 
    one = +one === one ? one : 1; // Make sure that one is a number. 

    var listi = list[i]; 
    if (listi.start_day <= listi.end_day) { 
     var start = listi.start_day * 24 + listi.start_hour; 
     var end = listi.end_day * 24 + listi.end_hour; 
     for (var j=start; j<end; j++) { 
      dates[j] += one; // Increase counter by one 
    } else { 
     var start = listi.start_day * 24 + listi.start_hour; 
     var end = listi.end_day * 24 + listi.end_hour; 
     for (var j=0; j < end; j++) { 
      dates[j] += one; // Increase counter by one 
     for (var j=start; j<totalHours; i++) { 
      dates[j] += one; // Increase counter by one 

* @param object { start_day ; end_day ; start_hour ; end_hour } 
function doesDateOverlap(listi) { 
    if (listi.start_day <= listi.end_day) { 
     var start = listi.start_day * 24 + listi.start_hour; 
     var end = listi.end_day * 24 + listi.end_hour; 
     for (var j=start; j<end; j++) { 
      if (dates[j]) return true; // Not zero, overlapping! 
    } else { 
     var start = listi.start_day * 24 + listi.start_hour; 
     var end = listi.end_day * 24 + listi.end_hour; 
     for (var j=0; j < end; j++) { 
      if (dates[j]) return true; // Not zero, overlapping! 
     for (var j=start; j<totalHours; i++) { 
      if (dates[j]) return true; // Not zero, overlapping! 
    return false; // At this point: No overlap, so OK. 

// Parse the values from the JSON list. Example: 
var list = [{'start_day':1,'start_hour':1,'end_day':1,'end_hour':2}, 
for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { 
    addDate(list[i], 1); 

// Example 
if (doesDateOverlap({'start_day':1,'start_hour':1,'end_day':1,'end_hour':11})){ 

這工作的程度。我的星期從 星期日0到星期六6.如果我在星期五開始時間並將它運行到星期二2.我會更新腳本http://jsfiddle.net/EtaJE/1/ – TheMonkeyMan 2012-02-22 13:06:22


@Deano更新回答。請注意,我的時間範圍從0到23。 – 2012-02-22 14:25:02