2017-09-22 117 views

我一直在試圖獲得一個仿真設備的例子,它並不容易:模擬器不支持藍牙,所以我認爲它會auto-fall-back to WiFi, or even supersonic communication?但即使獲得權限的工作(耶),它會隨着以下消失。Google Nearby Connections 2.0是否支持模擬器上的開發?

E/NearbyConnections: Failed startAdvertising(1, 4, 0, 5, 5, 8) for client 102877343 because we couldn't start listening for incoming Bluetooth connections to ServiceId MYID 
W/MeshConnection: Advertising failed. Received status 8007 STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR 
E/NearbyConnections: Failed startDiscovery() for client 102877343 because we couldn't scan on Bluetooth nor BLE for serviceId MYID 
W/MeshConnection: Discovering failed. Received status 8007 STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR 



我做了一些四處詢問,並且事實證明,最近連接2.0使用藍牙進行連接,然後伺機升級到無線網絡連接(如果可用),所以它需要的BT踢東西了 - 所以沒有運行它在仿真器上。