2011-11-30 159 views

我正在爲學校做作業。它由一個方法組成,它將一個二叉樹作爲輸入並返回一個雙線程樹。例如(如果左邊的孩子= null,那麼左邊的孩子將與先前的中間父親連接,如果右邊的孩子= null,則它將連接到其中序列的連接符。現在,因爲我的老師的實現要求線程樹是與二進制類不同的類,我必須再遍歷二叉樹,並將每個節點從binaryNode轉換爲threadedNode,從而使得在最後一個「重複」的初始BinaryTree,但是作爲Threadedtree類型,當我這樣做後,我再次遍歷這個ThreadTree,並且每當我看到一個空的左側或右側的孩子時,我都會引用inorder arraylist並查找線程。從二叉樹實現二叉樹實現的線程



public static <T> ThreadedNode<T> thread(BinaryNode<T> root) 
    //threads a binary tree 







你是什麼意思? – user1072706




public static <T> ThreadedNode<T> thread(BinaryNode<T> root) { 
    // We'll be keeping track of the "previous" node as we go, so use 
    // a recursive helper method. At first, there is no previous. 
    return threadHelper(root, null); 

private static <T> ThreadedNode<T> threadHelper(BinaryNode<T> n, ThreadedNode<T> previous) { 

    // Create a new threaded node from the current root. Note that the threaded nodes 
    // are actually created in "preorder". Assume the ThreadedNode constructor sets 
    // the left, right, threadLeft, and threadRight fields to null. 
    ThreadedNode<T> t = new ThreadedNode<T>(n.getData()); 

    // First go down the left side, if necessary. 
    if (n.getLeft() != null) { 
     // If there is a left child we have to descend. Note that as we go down the 
     // left side the previous doesn't change, until we start "backing up". 
     t.left = threadHelper(n.getLeft(), previous); 
     previous = t.left; 
    } else { 
     // If there is no left child, connect our left thread to the previous. 
     t.threadLeft = previous; 

    // Now before we go down the right side, see if the previous 
    // node (it will be in the left subtree) needs to point here. 
    if (previous != null && previous.right == null) { 
     previous.threadRight = t; 

    if (n.getRight() != null) { 
     // If there is a right child we can descend the right. As we go down we 
     // update previous to the current node. We do this just by passing the current 
     // node as the second parameter. 
     t.right = threadHelper(n.getRight(), t); 
    } else { 
     // No right child, no worries. We'll hook up our thread-right pointer 
     // later. 
    return t; 

考慮樹(A(B(D)())C)。你在中序遍歷中的第一個節點是D.沒有以前的節點。因此,保存D像以前一樣。然後你點擊的下一個節點是B.前一個節點是D,它沒有正確的子節點,所以添加一個從D到B的帶螺紋的右指針。然後設置在B之前並繼續。接下來你擊中A.B沒有正確的孩子,所以添加一個從B到A的正確的鏈接.A有一個正確的孩子繼續,設置在A之前。下一個節點是C. C沒有離開孩子,所以添加一個從C中的左側鏈接到前一個的當前值,即A.


我想過這樣做,但請記住,我還必須爲每個訪問的節點創建一個新的threadedNode,因爲binaryNode和threadedNode之間存在差異。所以我必須在進行初始Binarytree的inorder遍歷時構建ThreadedTree。 – user1072706


肯定!隨時發佈線程節點。如果你喜歡,我可以更新我的答案。 –


我理解你的實現,你的代碼存在一個小問題(右邊的null子代似乎沒有線程),但現在我知道從哪裏開始。謝謝 – user1072706